10 Month Old Baby Girl Weight and Height

image001As the baby enters his 10th month of life, he would start exhibiting a great amount of development and you would be thrilled to see him becoming more independent each day. He would start walking on his own and begin to communicate easily too. Interestingly, you will start getting an idea about your baby's nature.

How Is Your 10 Month Old Baby Developing?

1. Body Growth

At this stage of life, the height of the baby is not an important issue since it's gene-dependent. However, the weight of the baby is a crucial development sign as it can give an idea about the proper working of the baby's digestive system.

Here are the WHO child growth standards for a 10 month old baby: the average height for boys is 73.5 cm, and for girls is 71.4 cm; the average weight for boys is 9.2 kg, and for girls is 8.5 kg.

2. Physical Development and Motor Skills

A 10 months old baby would have started moving about more freely. He would now be able to stand up from a sitting position, crawl and squat with ease and would even start walking in a few months time. The baby's coordination is also going to improve significantly at this stage and he would start holding things in his hands. You will see him playing with two toys at once now because of his improved coordination. Playing stacking cups with a 10 month old baby is thus a good exercise, as it helps him in developing his fine motor skills.

3. Cognitive Development

What They Can Do


Able to find hidden objects

As the child begins to understand that objects don't vanish entirely when they go out of sight, they will be able to find any hidden objects with ease.

Keen to imitate

The child will start imitating the things he sees you doing like pushing buttons on the remote control, brushing his hair and blabbering on the phone as if talking to someone.

Stranger anxiety improves

The baby now understands that you have gone for a little while and will come back, so he will start feeling comfortable in the company of others if you are not around and his stranger anxiety will become less obvious.

4. Communication Development

Babies of this age start responding when their name is taken. They are also able to follow simple commands as well and can point at certain things if you take their name since they are able to relate the thing with the words. The baby will also begin to speak little words like dada and mama too.

Watch this video to learn more about a 10 month old baby's development:

How to Take Care of a 10 Month Old Baby

1. Feed Your Baby Properly

Don't stop feeding milk to your baby. However, you must give him more solid foods from now on. It is best to cook for your child yourself as home cooked foods will be easier for him to digest. Don't exclude food items from his diet, include a bit of everything to make it more diverse. As the child grows, he would start preferring some foods over others, so there is no point in restricting his diet at this stage.

2. Provide Good Nutrition

As your baby is growing, he needs the right nutrition. Therefore, start feeding him pasteurized cheese, mashed fruits, cooked vegetables, additional proteins in the shape of eggs and chicken, iron-rich cereals and casseroles.

3. Understand Their Sleeping Patterns

The frequency of your baby's sleep is going to come down when he becomes ten months old. He will sleep no more than two times in a day from now on. However, as soon as he starts showing signs of tiredness like yawning then you must put him to sleep immediately. He might protest and might not lie down easily. If this happens then remain calm and try to set a routine for him which allows him to have a sound sleep at least twice a day.

4. Take Care of Their Teething Pain


Teething pain can be troublesome for some babies and can wake them up at night. Rub their back if they start crying because of the pain or sing them a song to put them back to sleep. You can also tackle this pain by giving him a cold teething ring as well. If the pain does not subside no matter what you do, it is best to contact the child's pediatrician.

5. Pay Attention to Food Allergies

When starting a new food, check for any gas as it is a sign that the baby is allergic to that food. Most children are allergic to milk and if they are fed yogurt they start producing gas. Peanuts, eggs and wheat are some other foods that babies are allergic to.

6. More Tips on Taking Care of Your 10 Month Old Baby



Talk to baby

Respond to your baby's babbles and encourage him to talk to you even if you don't understand what he is saying.

Play music to your baby

Put on some music for your child to dance and hop on. Any kind of music would do as he would love the rhythm more than the music itself.

Play with your baby

Hide the toys of your baby and encourage him to find them on his own. This will teach him about object permanence.

Choose suitable toys

Give educational toys to your baby for playing that will help him to learn. Large toys can also be given as they will help him in strengthening his muscles.

Soothe the separation anxiety

Treat separation anxiety by leaving the baby with people he is familiar with. However, be careful when doing this and not leave him alone when he is sick or tired.

10 Month Old Baby Girl Weight and Height

Source: https://www.newkidscenter.org/10-Month-Old-Baby.html

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